

Best Answer

Christians regard The Bible as the only infallible and authoritative revelation of God. All Christian teachings that are regarded as universally accepted in Christendom and are fundamental to Christian faith are found in the Bible.

Another answer:

First, as a disclaimer, I cannot speak for all "Christians," because the term is so broadly used anymore. Many different denominations that get labeled "Christian" have radically different views on the Bible, and even within the same denomination, views can differ greatly.

That said, for the most part, the Bible is so important to Christians for three main reasons.

1) It is God's word to man. It is direct revelation from the Creator of the universe to His creation. It is also the only revelation of God, being found in no other book or writing. There is no other way to know God except through the Bible.

2) The Bible is inerrant truth. Every word of the original manuscripts is true. The copies and translations are considered "preserved" by God so that the same quality of truth is available to us who do not hold the originals. Thus, every word of the Bible is completely valid and trustworthy.

3) The Bible tells the story of man's plight with God and his salvation. In light of the first two points, the Bible is itself an important book. What makes it important to Christians, though, is the message of the Book. To summarize the message of a roughly 1000 page book, it is that we have broken the laws of God, which punishment is eternal damnation. Yet God, because of His Great love to us, came to earth by the name of Jesus, the Christ (hence the name "Christian"), fulfilled the law on our behalf and likewise paid its penalty by His death. He rose from the dead (showing His sacrifice was accepted), and furthermore freely offers salvation to any who will ask Him to forgive his or her sins and trust in Him. In a nutshell, that is why the Bible is so important. Without it, we cannot know God and we would be justly destined for Hell.

It is the holy book of the Christians, telling the history of their religion (and the Jewish religion from which Christianity derives) as well as Chronicling the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, the founder of Christianity. Plus some of the later works of the followers of Jesus.

For Christians it is the word of God and the law.

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Because as the bible says....

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.


John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.


n Conclusion...

The Bible is ESSENTIAL to Christianity, for how would we now about God if it were not for His written Word? The Bible is what reveals Christ to us, and tells is a guidebook for how we ought to conduct ourselves with His help. You cannot truly call yourself a Christian if you do not believe in the Bible, and the whole Bible at that.

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