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chinese compass is important to us today because before when didn't have gps' in our expensive little cars we had nothing but maps which didn't help much direction wise

so the only way

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Q: Why is the Chinese compass important today?
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How did Chinese inventions alter the course of world history?

They are still part of our lives today like the compass, wheel barrel and the umbrella. The Chinese are still making new inventions....

How is the chinese compass used today?

ummm don't know thats why i I'm reseaching the.....

What is the Chinese motto?

If you need to know your way get a compass today.

Why was the compass important?

The compass was a important invention, made by the Chinese, because it helped travelers find there destination if they were lost and could be very useful in many different problems. They also most likely have a compass on ships.

What did the Chinese invent that the Americans use today?

# The art of making paper. # The art of printing. # Gunpowder. # The compass.

How is the Chinese compass important today?

Though it would be much easier to use a modern-day compass, you could use an ancient Chinese compass if you have a working one. Most compasses from ancient China would have had to be well preserved to work. Maybe it does work, but it would probably be inaccurate because of it's age. If it is in complete working order (you could probably go to a well reviewed pawn shop to tell if it works or is accurate) then yes, you could still use it. Not many people do, though. You could buy some that supposedly work on E-Bay for $700. YIKES!

How is the Chinese compass different to the one right now?

The Chinese compass points south. But the modern compass points north.

What did the Chinese compass look like in 1996?

What did the chinese compass look like in 1898

What are the benefits and disadvantages of the Chinese compass?

The main difference of the Chinese compass with the existing compass today is that the former makes use of ferrites or magnetic oxides. These are natural minerals that attract iron and other metals. Large deposits of ferrites were discovered thousands of years ago in the district of Magnesia in Asia Minor. The second difference is that the Chinese compass is always pointing on the south while the invented compass points to the north. The third is that invented compass is basically used for navigational purposes whereas the Chinese compass is used as a navigational tool and also as a beautiful piece of home décor and for Feng Shui.

Which Chinese inventor invented the compass?

No one knows. All we know is that the Chinese and Europeans helped to make the Chinese compass.

What was the most important Chinese invention ever?

It is the 4 Great Inventions, they are the compass, gunpowder, paper, and printing.

What did the Chinese do?

Invented gunpowder, paper as we know it today, the compass, printing, golf, and differential gears, to name a few things.