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because their eyes are all over the calander

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Q: Why is the Chinese new years at a different time to other western cultures?
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How were the ancient Chinese different from other cultures?

the ancient Chinese are different from other cultures is that they were the earliest civilisations in the world

How is the Chinese belief about dragons different from other cultures?

The beliefs vary from one culture to another.

Why do Western cultures tend to dominate other cultures?

cus there evil and oppress other ppl

Why did the Chinese make contact with other cultures?

The Chinese needed trade, and they wanted to expand their influence and culture. This was why the Chinese made contact with other cultures. They became very important traders over time.

During their Golden Age the Chinese were eager to learn from the other cultures they interacted with?

It is a false statement that during their Golden Age, the Chinese were eager to learn from the other cultures they interacted with. At this point, the Chinese were very ethnocentric.

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How does Chinese culture influence other cultures?

by influencing silk and other products

How didn't the Chinese not make contact with other cultures?

they couldnt see

How is Britain influenced by other cultures?

Many cultures have influenced Britain, for example the British cuisine, this is shown by the range of different cultures of food, for example, Italian, Chinese, Indian, etc. We have also been influenced by the way we dress, also the latest trends. New product have also entered our shelves due to different cultures, therefore, some would say that different cultures have influenced Britain in a positive way.

Why do children bring western fast food to Chinese and Asian restaurants while parents and other adults eat the Chinese and Asian food?

Not everyone likes different foods from different cultures and the children are probably not yet old enough to appreciate something different. Whilst Chinese food is high on the menu of many Westerners, often their children ask their parents to bring along their own Western-style food because they are simply more used to it. Doing that has at least two good results: * The children will eat something they enjoy and this can help to keep them quiet and happy... * The children will not leave - and thus will not waste - the Chinese food!

Why do other cultures have a different calendar?

because other cultures have different religions and different beliefs so they have different holidays. another thing is they have a different time zone.