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Q: Why is the ball bounce when hits the ground?
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Which ball size will bounce the highest?

Bounce height will not depend on the ball's radius. It will however depend on the material of the ball and the speed at which it hits the ground

Why does a basket ball bounce high?

Because as the basket ball hits the ground, all the air in the ball gets pushed from the bottom of the ball to the top which causes it to bounce back up.

How do you bounce ball in basketball?

you bounce a ball in basketball by hitting the ball against the ground.

Which direction will ball spin when it hits the ground?

A ball doesn't start spinning just because it has hit the ground. It might roll or bounce but not spin. If it does then it depends on the spin you put on it before it hits the ground.

Why does a ball spin the opposite direction after it hits the ground?

ANSWER it has to do with the way the ball is launched. if theres a topspin on the ball, when the ball hits the ground, it will pick up speed on contact. if it is spinning back toward you, upon contact with the ground, it will most likely bounce back at you. did i help any?

How does the height of a ball affect the height of its bounce?

the potential energy gets changed into kinetic energy so when it hits the ground it will bounce back up.

If a ball hits the foul pole or the netting inside on a bounce but stays in play is it all you can get or a ground rule double?

no its a dead ball for hitting the foul pole, ground rule double

If a ball is dropped from a height of 100m each time it hits the ground it bounces 3 5ths of the height it fell How far will the ball have traveled in the 5th bounce?


What makes golf balls bounce?

Because when it hits the ground its momentum makes it continue to fall for a fraction of a second causing the part touching the ground to collapse slightly (depending on how hard the ball is). The collapsed part then straightens itself out again rapidly, flicking the ball up as a bounce.

How does a backspin affect a shot?

A ball with backspin will bounce slightly more backwards when it hits the ground, or slightly more forwards if it hits a ceiling. In basketball, this makes the ball more likely to fall through the hoop if it hits the back of the rim, or more likely to bounce high (and possibly fall into the hoop) if it hits the front. In tennis, this makes the ball bounce higher on a normal shot, making it slightly easier to hit. It can prevent a drop shot from going as far, also, making the player run further in order to catch it. In golf, the ball will bounce a shorter distance (or possible bounce backwards after a very high shot).

Does cricket ball have to bounce when bowled?

The ball doesn't have to bounce, but if it passes the batsman above the waist before it bounces then it will be a no-ball. If it hits the ground, then bounces over head height, it will be allowed once per over. any more head height bouncers will be classed as wides.

Why do balls bounce?

The balls bounce because gravity is what pulls the falling ball towards the ground! As it falls the ball gains energy from its movement