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Computers and calculators utilize the base 2 because it is easier to program binary numbers (base 2) into the computer than decimal numbers (base 10).

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computers use the base 2 system because it makes it easier to implement with the current computer technology :)

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Q: Why do computers and calculators utilize the base 2?
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What is 2 times 6 times 7 times 8 times 9?

Gee calculators are built in computers, you know. For your answer it is 4536

How do you add in base 2?

Adding in base 2 is binary for computers. 10 = 2 because 10 means 1 of your base. The rules are no different.

Since computers use base 2 why do humans insist on using the base 10?

we humans use the base 10 because it is easier and more comfortable for us than the base 2 used by computers and as such we require less memory in our brain to fathom the answer of a question and subsequently answer or compute them easily that base 2

If Computers use base 2 why do humans insist on using the base16?

The math for base 16 is easier and faster than the math for base 2.

Why do computers use base 2?

Computers use base 2 because a transistor only has two states, on and off and these are best represented by a 0 and a 1. Transistors are the building blocks of a computer's ICs.

Which of the cabel types are used to connect two computers?

10 Base 2

What is the Classification of computer base on purpose?

Base on purposed, computers are either general purpose or special purpose. General purpose computers are meant for all manner of tasks while Special purpose computers are tailored for unique task.

What numbers do computers depend on?

Computers primarilary work with the Binary numbering system (0 and 1) which is known as Base 2.

Example of a base in math?

Probably the most common example is the basis of a number system, such as the commonly humanly used base 10 or the binary base 2 used in computers.

10011 is the binary number system way of writing?

Yes, Binary literally means 2 digits ( 0 and 1 ) - so 10011 (base 2) is equal to 19 (base 10) (Base 10 is what people use in everyday math; Base 2 is what computers use.)

How do you convert natural log into binary log?

log2x = log x / log 2 On the right side, you can use logarithm in any base (calculators usually provide base-10 and base-e), just be sure to use the same base in both cases. Thus: log2x = ln x / ln 2 or: log2x = log10x / log102

What is the Log 3 to the base 2?

x = log2(3) is the same as: 2x = 3 You can find it by: log3/log2 = .477/.30 = 1.59 (where log by itself assumes base 10, which most calculators and spreadsheets have built in functions)