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its a reward for paying money to ourworld and there is also a toxic beach if you want to go that BADLY then get a really nice resident friend and ask them to group you or become one yourself.

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Q: Why is the beach in ourworld only for residents?
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How do you go in the beach even if you are a tourist ourworld?

to go to the beach even if you arent a resident in ourworld you must have a friend resident and tell him to go ta the beach and invite ya to group with him

How do you get money on ourworld?

The easiest way to get money on ourWorld is to sell rare items on the Marketplace. Some items sell for up to 1,000,000 coins! However, only residents can sell on the Marketplace. For tourists, the best way to gain coins is to play games and sell items!!! To learn more on ourWorld then visit this site: --

Does ourworld coast any money?

Nope. You don't need money to play on ourworld. But you need to pay to become a resident on ourworld. Residency costs $5.99 in America. Residents get gems on ourworld (150 gems each month!). They can have a bigger condo and bigger inventory, as long with several other upgrades. You can learn more about ourWorld by visiting this site --

What is toxic beach in ourworld?

toxic beach is another beach in OurWorld that you can access by going to the waterfall and clicking the arrow as far as you can on the part that is sliding down. I was there when it first came out and it just kept randomly teleporting people there. It was just there and no one knows how it got there. If you go in the water, it will turn your skin, hair, and you will glow green.

Stars on ourworld?

Residents automatically get 3 stars. 30-50 gems is 1 star, And idk the rest :| Check

What is an ourworld gem code for 500 gems?

Now, because of the Ourworld changes, you have to download the toolbar and find out the gem code from there, the code only works if you load ourworld from the Link on the toolbar.Credit:

How much is an ourworld card?

An Ourworld card is only $20.00. The most popular place to get them is at Toys R Us

How delete your ourworld character?

Well i sent them a question and there answered that you can not really delete your ourworld character, you can only just............not get on it

How can you hack money on ourworld?

Some may think it's possible to hack money on ourWorld. This isn't true. The only way to hack ourWorld's payment system is by STEALING a credit card and charging something to it. Otherwise, it is seemingly improbable. You can learn more on ourWorld by visiting here --

How Many people Live In Harbor Beach?

The population of Harbor Beach, Michigan as of 2000 is 1,837 residents.

What are all the sites that have ourworld the game?

There is only 1 website called Ourworld has it's own website, too! Called:

Is ourworld and imvu kid sites?

Imvu is for 13+ only