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If God is smart enough to create the Universe and all life, couldn't He be smart enough to make sure His book was printed more than any other?

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Q: Why is the bible the most printed book?
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What is the most printed book in the world?

The most printed sentence in the world is arguably "Close cover before striking," which is on every book of matches.

What is the world's most expensive book?

I would wager The Guttenburg bible which was the first printed book.

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The Bible is the most printed and read book in the world.

What was the first printed book?

The Bible

What was the first book printed by Gutenberg?

The Bible.

What was the second book printed in English?

The second book printed in English was "The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye" by William Caxton, printed in 1473.

What printed the Bible in the renaissance era?

Monks hand printed the Bible until Gutenberg invited the printing press in 1450. The first book he printed was the Bible.

What is the oldest printed book in literature?

The Bible

What is the name of the first book printed?

The Bible

What book has been printed in the maximum number of languages and these scripts?

The Bible holds the record for being printed in the most languages and scripts. It has been translated into over 3,300 languages and dialects, including scripts such as Latin, Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, and more.

Who printed the first biblevon his moveable typewriter?

Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing press with movable type. The most famous book he printed on it was the Bible

What was the first book printed in the new printing press?

The first book printed in the new printing press was the Bible.