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it can be but not always

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Q: Why is the butterfly at larval stage considered a pest?
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What is the most destructive stage of insect?

The most destructive stage of the most of the insect pest is the Larval stage.

What insect has a larvae which is a pest to humans but the adult is benefitial to humans?

Butterfly. As a caterpillar, it feeds on farmer's crops and therefore considered a pest. In adult stage, it help plants pollinate which is considered as beneficial. Miss Lan

Why is the catterpilar are considered plant pest at this stage?

Why is the caterpillar considered a plant pest at that stage in its lifecycle? Because it eats our (human) food and thus destroys it.

How do you make a perfume from oregano?

The pesticide is actually made from the oil of the oregano. It controls pests by keeping them from reproducing, by not letting them either lay eggs or advance from the larval [=worm-looking] stage into the adult stage. The pest can't lay eggs as a larva.

What do ladybirds eat?

Ladybirds (adults as well as the larval stage) are carnivorous, they eat aphids and other small insects (even other ladybirds or ladybird larvae)Aphids, leaves, water, pest, mites.

What is the common name for Plutella xylostella?

'Diamondback moth' is a common name for Plutella xylostella. The insect is a much dreaded pest that in its larval stage ravages such related food crops as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, mustard, radish, and turnip. The moth stage tends to leave a lot of eggs on the host plant, and the larval stages tend to eat as much of the food source as possible, from the undersides of the leaves.

Are turtles a pest?

They are not considered a pest. Unless, they ramsack your whole house or something, then they're only considered a pest. But a fact is, they're not a pest.

Is human can be considered pest?

Yes, they can be considered a pest especially if everything they do is harmful to others. They are a pest that exploit and destroy the world's nature.

Does rice turn into maggots?

No, you probably had some sort of grain pest in the rice and you are seeing the larval stage.

Are butterflies a pest?

Adult butterflies are not a pest. The larva stage of a butterfly (caterpillar) however can be considered a pest by consuming food crops or ornamental plants.

Why is a caterpillar considered a pest?


At which stage of the life cycle of a mosquito is it the most difficult to kill?

The Adult Stage Would Be Probably The Most Difficult To Be Get Rid Of . It Has Wings , And It Could Fly Anywhere They Like , But We Could Not Stop Them Because We Do Not Have Wings , Unlike Them . The adult stage is the most difficult to kill, because the other stages can be handled by treating or eliminating pooled water.