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One mut understand the sublevels of electron orbitals. There is an s, p, d, and f sublevel. Main group elments have electron is s and p sublevel. Transition metals have elecrons in the s, p, and d sublevel. One one thing to understand is that an atom wants to be stable. Stablity includes full outer shells, 1/2 full outer shells, full sublevels, 1/2 full sublevels, and no arrangement. In transition metals, there are many combinations of stability levels. This changes electron configuration in each combination, changing the chemisty.

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2w ago

The chemistry of transition elements is less predictable compared to main group elements because transition elements have partially filled d orbitals, which can participate in bonding in diverse ways. This leads to a variety of coordination geometries and oxidation states, resulting in a wider range of chemical behaviors. In contrast, main group elements typically follow more predictable trends based on their group and period numbers.

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Q: Why is the chemistry of the transition elements less predictable than the chemistry of the main group elments?
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