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Q: Is oxygen and copper examples of elments?
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Related questions

Can copper combine with other elments?

Yes, copper readily combines with several other elements. Combined with zinc it is brass, combined with tin it is bronze. It combines with many other elements including oxygen and sulfur.

What are the elments for calcium carbonate?

Calcium, carbon and oxygen

Oxygen copper iron sulfur and hydrogen are examples of what?


Are copper and oxygen are element?

yes they both are examples of elements

What are the elments found in nitrogen dioxide?

nitrogen and oxygen in NO2

What has the elments hydrogen and oxygen and carbon in it?

alcohols carbohydrates sugars

Are oxygen and cooper an example of elements?

Oxygen and copper are examples of elements; cooper is a barrel maker.

What the elments are in CaCO3?

Calcium (Ca) Carbon (C) Oxygen (O)

How many elments are in the compound Fe2O3?

2- iron and oxygen. Should be written as Fe2 O3

Does copper with oxygen?

Yes, copper reacts with oxygen to form copper oxide.

What are two elments in oxyen?

Two compounds containing Oxygen are: >> Carbon Dioxide - CO2 >> Water - H2O

Does copper have oxygen?

No. Copper and oxygen are two separate elements.