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Because it is much smaller than an adult heart. The smaller the heart the faster it beats. The heart of a marathon runner for example, which has grown through the training may only beat at 35 -40 when asleep. It's important to remember that a baby also breathes faster. This is because a baby's lungs are not fully developed. A baby's lungs have decreased alveolar surface area, which is essential for air exchange with the blood. There is also increased anatomical dead space where air taken in can not be made available for air exchange. For these reasons, the baby must breathe faster to move more air in and out of his lungs in order to make enough oxygen available to the relatively few alveoli. The oxygen is absorbed into the blood cells, which must move quickly through the baby's developing lungs, so that more blood can absorb oxygen. Thus, the baby's heart must beat much faster to make enough deoxygenated blood available for gas exchange in the developing lungs.

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16y ago
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12y ago

The reason an adults heart beats faster than a child's is because the adult has a bigger heart than a child so more blood can be pumped out at once so it will pump faster. When a kids heart is smaller so it will pump more blood out.

This paragraph does not make sense! The question was why does a child's heart beat faster not an adults!

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9y ago

Infants have faster heartbeats than adults for two reasons. Like most small animals, because they have so much skin for less volume, they lose heat much faster than adults. As well, infants are growing at astounding rates, and this requires extreme amounts of metabolism to keep up.
First, note that it doesn't always.


Children have higher metabolic rates than adults.

Children's hearts are smaller, thus the amount of blood expelled by each beat is less.

(Note that the heart rate is "ideally" controlled by the total oxygen required by the body.)

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15y ago

Normal Heart Rates (in bpm): infants to 2 years (80-130), 2-6 years (70-120), 6-10 years (70-110), 10-16 years (60-100), 17+ (60-90)

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17y ago

Actually a baby's heart beats much faster than that of an adult!

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12y ago

Children have smaller lungs therefore less time is required to fill them with air.

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16y ago

Because it is smaller in size.

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14y ago

because he have to become old and die

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13y ago

A kids heart beat

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4y ago

because they are younger and have more energy and there heart needs to beet faster to keep them going

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Q: Why is the children breathing rate faster than adults?
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Why breathing rate of children is different from adults?

Because they have a higher metabolism rate and a faster heartbeat. It is also possible that the lungs are not as efficient since they are still growing.

Why is the breathing rate of adults is different from children?

Because they have a higher metabolism rate and a faster heartbeat. It is also possible that the lungs are not as efficient since they are still growing.

Why do women and children have faster breathing rate?

smaller lungs

What breathing faster mean in newborn?

Newborns breathe at a much faster rate than adults and even older children. Normal adults take about 12-20 breaths per minute. Most newborns take between 40 and 60 breaths per minute. So if the newborn is breathing faster than adults, that's no cause for concern. But if she is breathing significantly faster than other newborns, then there may be something going on that needs medical attention.

What causes increased respiratry rate in children?

Children are growing at faster rate. They need more oxygen for the increased metabolic activities. So the heart rate as well as the respiratory rate of children is higher as compared to adults.

What is the average breathing rate for adults during exercise?

The average breathing rate of adults during exercise is 40 to 50 breath per minute.

Whose heart rate is faster kids or adults?

Kids heart rate is faster.

Why is a child's heart beat much faster than an adults?

As you age, your heart rate declines. Also, children usually have more energy than adults.

Do children lose weight faster than adults?

Ultimately, it depends on the diet. If you're overeating you won't lose weight even if you are a kid. When we have low metabolism rate, body cannot burn more calories, high metabolism helps us to burn more calories. Children have fast metabolism rate when we compared to adults and teenagers. That is the reason children lose weight faster than adults.

Is the breathing rate of children different from adult?

Because they have a higher metabolism rate and a faster heartbeat. It is also possible that the lungs are not as efficient since they are still growing.

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