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When sunlight hits the earths surface at the equator the light is almost at 90 degrees to the earths surface whereas at the poles the angle is much less. As such there is more ground for the same amount of sunlight to heat. The less the angle, the colder it is. Other factors are that because the earth is tilted, the poles each have several months perpetual darkness in winter (or daylight in summer) and that snow and ice, being white, will reflect light rather than absorbing it.

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It's because the south pole receives less intense insolation.

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12y ago

The sun hits the tropic portions of our planet more directly and this allows more energy per square meter to be absorbed in the equatorial regions.

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9y ago

Because the Tropics are closer to the Equater

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Q: Why is the climate warmer in the tropics than it is at the South Pole?
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Is the south pole warmer then the North Pole?


Is the south pole warmer than the north pole?

Yes, it is.

Which is warmer the North or South Pole?

The North Pole, which sits on the Arctic Ocean ice, is warmer by about 30 degrees F than the South Pole, which sits on an ice sheet that stores about 90% of the Earth's store of ice.

Which region would have a warmer climate - a place located near the equator or a place near the North Pole?

A place located near the equator would have a warmer climate compared to a place near the North Pole. The equator receives more direct sunlight year-round, resulting in higher temperatures, while the North Pole receives less sunlight and is typically covered in ice.

What effect does latitude have on temperature on the ocean?

Latitude has everything to do with climate . - The tropics are between 23.5S and 23.5N latitude, - here high temperatures are the norm. Either way north or south from this, ambient temperatures get lower and climate is cooler as you move towards either pole.

Is the Antarctic Peninsula most likely colder or warmer than the South Pole?

The Antarctic Peninsula is most likely warmer than the South Pole, since it's about 1,500 miles north of the pole and substantially lower in elevation.

What is the south poles climate?

The South Pole is a polar desert.

How does latitude related to climate?

Climates closer to the equator are warmer, and those closer to the poles (either north or south) are colder.

What is the climate of north and south pole?


Are you more likely to survive in the north pole or the equator?

At the equator. Warmer climate, more plant and wildlife.

Which continent lies completely outside the tropics?

Antarctica lies completely outside the tropics. Antarctica is located near the South Pole and is the fifth largest continent in the world.

Which climate conditions are typical of regions near the north pole and the south pole?

Regions near the North and South Poles typically have cold temperatures, with long winters and short cool summers. They also experience high winds and low humidity levels. These regions often have polar ice caps and are characterized by polar climates known for extreme cold.