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The control is whatever you base your experiment on. No control = you can't compare your data to anything = good luck making sense out of your experiment. You aren't following the scientific method if there is no control.

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Q: Why is the control variable in an experiment important?
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Why is it important to control your experiment?

It's important to control your experiment so that you can be sure the results are due to the experimental variable (independent variable) and not something else.

Why is important to control variables in an experiment?

So that you can know what is the manipulating variable, the controlling variable, and the responding variable! To control the variables!

What is the name of the variable that is kept constant in an experiment?

The variable that is kept constant in an experiment is called the control variable. It is important to keep this variable consistent so that any changes in the outcome of the experiment can be attributed to the variable being tested.

Why is a control group important to have in a experiment?

A control group is the standard of comparison between what happens with the experimental variable and without the experimental variable.

It is important to control variables in an experiment because?

in an experiment cantrolling variable is important as it helps to identify the limiting factors are present in the experiment, and also factor that do not necessarily affect the experiment.

What is the difference of a dependent variable and an independent variable?

An independent variable is when you do not control what happens In an experiment,however; a dependent variable is when you actually control the experiment,

What is the difference of independent variable and a dependent variable?

An independent variable is when you do not control what happens In an experiment,however; a dependent variable is when you actually control the experiment,

An experiment setup in which the independent variable is not present is called the?

When conducting experiments in science, it is important to have a baseline for knowing what happens if an independent variable is not present. In science, this is called the control experiment.

What is the difference between control and controlled variable?

control is when nothing is done to the experiment and controlled variable is that you have control over the experiment.

What is the control group and what is it used for?

The control is the part of the experiment where it remains constant, and never changes. The control is used so the changing variable in the experiment can be reflected off of the control, so thereby comparing the changing variable with the control (the variable that does not change) in the experiment. Without the control, the experiment is a waste.

What is a the difference between a control and a variable?

A control is the standard to which an outcome of an experiment is compared, but a variable is something in an experiment that can change.

Variable that doesn't change in an experiment?

A control variable is a factor that is kept constant in an experiment to ensure that any changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable.