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Because the ship is not made up of pure metal; it has many empty spaces (with air) in between.

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Well, just watch the movie titanic...

Hope that helped, probably not

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Q: Why is the density of a stone greater than of a ship?
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Why a stone sink in water but a ship floats on water surface?

A stone has a greater density than water; a ship, less.

Why does a piece of stone sink in water but a ship with huge weight floats according to Archimedes principle?

because the stones mass is concentrated, whereas the ship's weight is spread over

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The steel has a density greater than water; but the ship does not. To calculate density, you divide mass by volume. This includes the mass - and the volume - of any air trapped inside the ship.

Why the stone sinks in water?

it's because the density may be greater than the body of water that is why the stone sink...

How come a nail sinks and a metal ship floats?

An object will sink if its density is greater than that of water (or another liquid in which it is placed). If its density is less, it will float. In the case of the ship, the air in the ship helps reduce the total density.

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The general rule is that an object will sink if it has a greater density than the liquid in which it is placed.

Why the ship does not sink and a needle sinks?

The general principle is that an object will sink if it has a greater density than the liquid in which it is placed.

What does the density have to be greater than for an object to float?

It has to be greater than the density of the fluid in which it is to be floated.

Why do ship float better at sea than in fresh water?

Sea water has salt, and therefore a higher density.

If an object sinks when being placed in water its density is?

To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.

Why does a piece of stone sink in water but a ship with huge weight floats?

stones having greater density than water . according to arcumedis principle stones will sink.but ships having low density compare to water. then ships will sinkBubbles are less dense than water, so they float. Think of the inside of a big ship as a huge bubble. The air inside it is less dense than the water, so it floats, and its push upward is so great that the ship floats as well. If the ship were not hollow, it would sink.Bubbles are less dense than water, so they float. Think of the inside of a big ship as a huge bubble. The air inside it is less dense than the water, so it floats, and its push upward is so great that the ship floats as well. If the ship were not hollow, it would sink.A material sinks in water when the density is greater than 1 g/cm3.A material floats on water when the density is under 1 g/cm3.Approximately ... it depends on the exact density of the water, but 1 tonne per cubic metre is roughly correct.However, large ships are often metal, and metal is obviously denser than water. So how do they float?The trick is that it's not the density of a particular piece of the ship that matters, but the overall density including the empty spaces (filled with air) inside. As long as the overall mass of the ship is less than the mass of the water it displaces, the ship will float. Even if you make it out of stone.the density of rock is more than the density of water therefore it sinksthe density of iron is more than the density of water but an iron ship is shaped in such a way that it is hollow from within and therefore an iron ship floats in water while a stone or rock sinks.Answered ByKaran A

One object has a greater density than another when it has?

one object has greater density than another when it has