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the ancient redwood is very valuable to home-builders and the rich movie stars and actors want the RARE wood so lots of builders are struggling to get it, also its a shame that it is happing because there are medicines in the rain forest that are being cut and burned AND 55 percent of our oxogyn comes from rasinforests and soon we will have no air to breath in......... - B) ps---- if u want to read something deppresing type into wicki 'what would happen if the sun dissipeared'

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14y ago
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1d ago

The destruction of the Amazon rainforest is primarily driven by activities such as logging, agriculture (especially cattle farming and soy production), mining, and infrastructure development. These activities lead to deforestation, which results in habitat loss, biodiversity decline, and contributes to climate change through the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Economic interests often outweigh environmental concerns, leading to continued destruction of this vital ecosystem.

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15y ago

The Rainforest could be cut down mainly for all the money from logging.

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Q: Why is the destruction of the Amazon rain forest happening?
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How long has destruction been happening in the amazon rain forest?

50 years

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What practices have led to the destruction of the Amazon Rain forest?

clear cutting for mining and ranching

Is the amazon rain forest the largest rain forest in the world?

Yes, the Amazon rain forest is the largest rain forest in the world

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there is no wind in the amazon rain forest.

What rain forest does the Amazon River Basin contain?

the amazon rain forest

What and where is the worlds largest rain forest?

The Amazon is the largest rain forest in the world.

What is the main rain forest in Brazil?

The Amazon Rain forest.

What is happening to the Amazon rainforest?

We are harming the rain forest by having all our toxic waste put into there rivers which is were they drink from and wash

Are there a lot of tress in the amazon rain forest?

yes there is a a couple trees in the Amazon rain forest

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The anaconda does live in the amazon rain forest.

Were does the Amazon rain forest lie?

The Amazon rainforest or (rain forest) lies in South America