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The dirt around a mole's burrow is finely sifted because the mole chews the dirt in its mouth and then blows it out.

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Q: Why is the dirt around a mole's burrow so finely sifted?
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Related questions

What is the plural possessive noun for moles?

The possessive form of the plural noun moles is moles'.Example: The moles' tracks in the snow led to their burrow.

What are 5 animals that burrow underground?

Moles, prairie dogs, badgers, ground squirrels, hares

Animals that burrow live in what biome?

A burrow is a hole or tunnel that is used as the habitat of an animal; such as moles, rabbits and other vermin. Most of these animals are going to be found in the desert biome.

Which animal lives in a burrow?

Animals which live in burrows include moles, marsupial moles (which are quite different to moles), badgers, foxes, aardvarks, bilbies, wombats, platypuses, planigales, rabbits, prairie dogs, gophers, groundhogs, antechinuses and dunnarts, just to name a few.

What is animal borrow?

An animal burrow is a underground home made by an animal. Examples of animals that live underground are groundhogs, moles, and worms.

What is an animal borrow?

An animal burrow is a underground home made by an animal. Examples of animals that live underground are groundhogs, moles, and worms.

What type of animal is a mole?

Moles are members of the mammal family, closely related to shrews. Most moles burrow but some species are aquatic or semi-aquatic. Moles are covered in fur, with small eyes and its ears are usually not visible. Moles are found in North America, Europe, and Asia, although they are not found in Ireland.

What kinds of animals live in a burrow?

Animals which live in burrows include moles, marsupial moles (which are quite different to moles), badgers, foxes, aardvarks, bilbies, wombats, platypuses, planigales, rabbits, prairie dogs, gophers, groundhogs, antechinuses and dunnarts, just to name a few.

Where does the golden mole live?

moles live in a burrow which is a long hole with a number of molehills that are spread along the burrow (which is underground)

What are names of burrowing marsupials?

There are many burrowing marsupials. The wombat, probably the most common, bilbies, bandicoots and Marsupial moles all burrow for food and shelter.

Will putting diatomaceous earth in mole tunnels in my lawn cause the moles to bleed to death?

no, its finely crushed shells that act like glass and scratch through insects exoskeleton causes them to dehydrate and die. moles feed on grubs and DE can be used to control those pests. get rid of the grubs and the moles will go elsewhere.

What is a mole hole called?

A burrow like rabbits but a large burrow for a mole is not called a warren when moles make their holes they dig up the earth and it forms a mole hill so if you see piles of earth you will know there has been a mole charging round your garden.