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Q: Why is the diversity needed in different walks of life?
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What do scientist mean when they talk about the diversity of life?

Diversity refers to how many different species are in an area or belong to a given group of organisms.

Does the great diversity of life forms is the result of adaptations to different environments?

The great diversity of life form is the result of adaptations to different environments. It is also due to descent from a common ancestor.

How did different life create cultural diversity in the colonies?

People live in different reigions

What does it mean that there is both unity and diversity of life?

EvolutionIn biology the diversity and unity of life simply means that all living things came from ONE organism, so we are all alike but different. Then the diversity because even though we have come from the same organism but from a different branch of the tree of life.

What is a low biodiversity mean?

Bio (life) diversity (different unique individuals) low (quantity of). Low quantity of different life forms.

What is diversity and what does have to do with everyday life?

Diversity is just the way you think it is. But it comes from people and there differences that is what makes everyone different in everyway nobodys exactly the same.

Are wildlife and biodiversity same thing?

they are different as wildlife represents the life living the life in forests while biodiversity means the diversity in life.

How does diversity enhance your lives?

Diversity will improve the quality of life because in diverse community we can learn how to live with so many different people and groups. Shortly diversity builds up much Tolerance power in us and we can cope easily with ups and downs of our life.

What explains diversity of life?

Diversity of environmental niches.

What kind of drawing can you use for unity and diversity of life?

you can use a drawing different cultures working as 1

Why is diversity important in the workplace?

Diversity is important in the workplace because a diverse population has different backgrounds, experiences, knowledge and understanding. A diverse workplace is better able to solve problem and implement new ideas because there are more people able to come up with the needed solutions and ideas. Diversity keeps life interesting. We know what we and our friends think - especially if our friends are like us. If we mix it up a little, we might come to different conclusions.

What is the meaning of diversity is the spice of life?

It takes all kinds of individuals from all walks of life, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to make up society which offers an array of good things life has to offer. bc