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The dollar sign is to tell the reader that the number that follows in a monetary number. It is a writing convention that people use to separate pure numbers from numbers that are dollars and cents.

It is not a consistent convention in that we write $10 and read it as ten dollars instead of dollars ten, but we write 10¢ and read it as it is written ten cents.

Consistent or not, it is a convention that is followed here in the United States anyway.

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Q: Why is the dollar sign in front of the number?
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Does the cents sign go before or after the number?

The cent sign is put after the number, as opposed to the dollar sign, which is put before the number.

Why do people put the dollar sign be for the number?

because if you just had the number (eg. 4) it would just be a number, and we cant be sure of what its referring to, but when you put the dollar sign in front it tells us that it is a money value (eg. $4), so we know the number is referring to an australian currency amount. hope this helped :) and if you dont mind me asking what was this for? :)

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