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Q: Why is the earth no longer perfect?
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Should Earth be perfect?

no because no one is perfect. there is always a way to improve the earth

Why summer lasts two days longer?

Earth's orbit around the Sun is not a perfect circle; rather, it is an elipse. In winter (the northern winter; in the southern hemisphere this would be the summer), Earth is closer to the Sun, and moves faster.

Is Latitude north and south or east to west?

latitude is north and south the earth isn't a perfect sphere and is longer sideways due to push and pull from the north and southpoles so longitude is east and west because its wider and longer

Who is the perfect person on the world?

Nobody is perfect on earth

How does the earth revoles around the earth?

In perfect and complete synchrony.

Why planet earth has a perfect temparature for human beings to live in?

Earth has atmosphere. It helps in maintaining a perfect temperature to live.

Is perfection possible?

Life cannot exist without being perfect. When life is no longer perfect life no longer exists. No one is perfect enough yet to live forever except for that which does not live. Only God is perfect all others fall short.

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Would a year on Neptune be longer or shorter than on earth?

In terms of Earth years, longer.

What is the equatorial circumferance of earth?

The equatorial circumference of the earth is 24901.45 miles (40075.02 km).More Detail:The Earth is not a perfect sphere. Its shape is more of an oblate spheroid. As a consequence, a line of longitude wrapped around the Earth going through the north and south poles is about 24,859.73 miles, or 40,007.86 km long. That makes the Earth's circumference about 42 miles longer (about 67 km longer) measured around its middle than around its poles.

Are all horses perfect?

No. No horse is perfect, just like humans aren't perfect. (All living things on earth aren't perfect)

How much longer is Uranus and Earth?

Much longer