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Q: Why is the episode on Helios island an important to the plot of the odyssey?
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Why is the episode on Helios island important to the plot of the odyssey?

it shows why odysseus men do not return home.

Why is the episode on Helios's island important to the plot of the Odyssey?

It shows why Odysseus's men do not return home

Why is the episodes on Helios's island important to the plot of the odyssey?

It shows why Odysseus's men do not return home

What is Thrinacia in The Odyssey?

Thrinacia is the island where the golden cattle of Helios live.

What is the summary of the odyssey the cattle of the sun god?

I guess you mean what is the cattle of the sun IN the Odyssey. It was the cattle of the sun god. It was cattle sacred to Helios, the sun god. Odysseus's' sailors hinted down this cattle while they were stranded on an island. Helios demanded that Zeus punish the men for the sacrilege. They were shipwrecked. Everyone died except for Odysseus,

What is thrinakia in The Odyssey?

Thrinakia is an island where Helios the Sun-God raises his immortal cattle. It is unknown where it is today (if it exists).

What is the consequence of staying on the island of Helios in the odyssey?

That is a very good question. Please go to Thank you -Marie Honswel

What is the island of the sun god Helios?

Thrinacia is an island sacred to Helios

What is Helios's island called?

The sun god Helios's island is called Thirinakia.

Who is Helios from The Odyssey?

Helios is a titan who drives the chariot of the sun around the earth (for sunrise and sunset).In the Odyssey, Odysseusand his surviving crew land on Thrinacia, an island sacred to the sun god. There, the sacred red cattle of the sun were kept.Though Odysseus warns his men, when supplies run short they kill and eat some of the Oxen_of_the_Sun. The guardians of the island, Helios' daughter, tell their father about this. Helios appeals to Zeustelling them to dispose of Odysseus' men or he will take the sun and shine it in the Underworld. Zeus destroys the ship with his lightning bolt, killing all the men except for Odysseus.

What did the men kill on the island of the sun in the odyssey?

Helios's cattle. which was bad because Odysseus knew they weren't supposed to cause they would die.

Where does Helios' keep his cattle?

Helios keeps his cattle on an island called Thrinacia. It is believed that the location of this island is where the modern island of Sicily is now.