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Q: Why is the feathery part of the gills so important on a crayfish?
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Which part of a tadpole is described as feathery?

Its gills.

Why is the anterior part of a crayfish called the rostrum?

The rostrum is the part of the crayfish that is located between the eyes and the antenna. Rostrum is Latin for "beak" so the rostrum on the crayfish is considered its beak.

Which part of the fish takes in oxygen?

The gills- pretty sure

What is the function of the rostrum on a crayfish?

A rostrum on a crayfish is an extension of its shell. This part is used for extra protection.

What impact do crayfish have on the environment?

They can eat it or sell them to make profits!!

What is the main part of rabbit?

its gills

How many mouth part crayfish have?

3, go to this web page for a fantastic explanation:

What is the function of the rostrum in a crayfish?

The rostrum on a crayfish is a hard beak extending from the head that is used for protection.

What are the body parts of lizard?

Head: foremost part of a crayfish.Thorax: upper part of a crayfish's body.Abdomen: lower part of a crayfish's body.Exopodite: external part of the uropod.

What is a nephridiopore in a crayfish?

Nephridiopores in crayfish are part of their excretory system (for removing nitrogenous waste); crayfish propel water from the rear to the front and out the nephridiopores. It is analogous to how humans have to expend their liquid waste.

Crayfish lobsters and crabs are part of which group of crustaceans?


What segment is the heart located in the crayfish?

in the left part of the thorax