

Why is the fibula unique?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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The fibula bone is unique because it is so slender. Remarkably, it is small in diameter compared to its length.

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The tibia is what to the fibula?

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What is the smaller of the lower leg bone called?

The two bones that makeup the lower leg are the Tibia and Fibula. The Fibula is the smallest bone of the two. It is located poterior (behind) the Tibia.

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The fibula is lateral to the tibia. The fibula is the smaller of the two lower leg bones.

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The Plural of Fibula is fibulae or fibulas.

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The fibula is lateral to the tibia. The fibula is the smaller of the two lower leg bones.

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Fibula-- someone answered tibia on a previous question and that answer is incorrect

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A fibula fracture will hurt.

One of the lower leg bones?

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Where is the fibula?

The fibula is one of the long bones in the leg, below the knee.

What is another name for fibula?

Another name for the fibula is the shin bone.

What is the fibla?

The fibula is also known as the calf bone. It is the smaller of the two bones that run between the knee and ankle. The other bone in the calf is the tibia. The fibula and the tibia are connected at the top and bottom. At the top, near the knee, the fibula ends without making up part of the knee joint. At the bottom, it forms one part of the ankle joint. This bone is unique because it is so slender. Compared to the length of the fibula, it is remarkably small in diameter. It is not a weight bearing bone, but its neighbor, the tibia, bears the weight in the leg.