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Oxidation in chemistry is when an electron is stripped from an atom or molecule. In this case, an electron is stripped from the phosphate group in ATP so it can be used for energy, hence oxidative phosphorylation. The electron then moves through several processes that generate energy the cell can use. That's why it is most commonly referred to as the electron transport chain.

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cause it transports electrons through a chain of nad and nadh2 and others

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Electron Transport Chain

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Q: Why is the final process of aerobic respiration called the electron transport chain?
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What stages in the process of aerobic respiration make it an aerobic process?

Because oxygen is the last electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, the electron transport chain makes aerobic respiration aerobic.

Which of cellular respiration are aerobic and which are anaerobic?

Cellular respiration is mostly aerobic.

Which reactions of aerobic respiration occur in the inner mitochondrial membranes?

Chemiosmosis and the electron transport chain's process

The spent electrons from electron transport in aerobic respiration are transferred to?

The spent electrons from electron transport in aerobic respiration are transferred to oxygen molecules to form water. This final step of the electron transport chain generates energy and is essential for the production of ATP in the process of oxidative phosphorylation.

Whice process of cellular respiration produces the most ATP?

Oxidative Phosphorylation [Chemiosmosis and ETC]

What type of cellular respiration occurs with oxygen?

Aerobic respiration is the type of cellular respiration that requires oxygen. This process involves the release of glucose for energy.Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to be present because it is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain. If it is not present, then the electron can not go through the chain and fermentation will cycle instead. Fermentation is much more inefficient in producing ATP (a differenence of 32 ATP).

Does Aerobic respiration uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide?

Yes, aerobic respiration uses oxygen as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain. It produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct of the process along with water and energy in the form of ATP.

During aerobic respiration electrons are passed down the electron transport chain and what is formed?

Aerobic respiration is a cellular level process in which nutrients are changed into energy. The electrons that pass down the electron transport chain react with oxygen (thus, aerobic) and protons to form water.

What process releases the most ATP?

The process that releases the most ATP is cellular respiration, specifically aerobic respiration, which occurs in the presence of oxygen. During aerobic respiration, the complete breakdown of glucose in the mitochondria generates a total of 36-38 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose.

How many process does have aerobic respiration?

aerobic respiration have 3 processes are: glycol's, Krebs cycle, electrom transport chain :)

The aerobic respiration process ends in what area of the eukaryotic cell?

The aerobic respiration process ends in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. This is where the final stages of ATP production via the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation occur, ultimately generating energy for the cell.

In cellular respiration the electron transport chains is an aerobic process because it cannot function without oxygen?

true because you need oxygen to breath