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As Chordates (or members of the chordata group), bilbies share the following characteristics:

dorsal nerve cord which is a bundle of nerve fibres which runs down the back. It connects the brain with the lateral muscles and other organs.

notochord which is a cartilaginous rod running underneath, and supporting, the nerve cord - in the case of the bilby, a spine.

post-anal tail - an extension of the body past the anal opening.

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Q: Why is the greater bilby in Chordata?
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What is safety for the greater bilby?

The Greater Bilby's safety is its deep burrow.

Does the greater bilby hunt in groups or alone?

The Greater Bilby hunts alone. It is a solitary animal.

Is a bilby an arthropod?

No, bilbies are mammals, belonging to an entirely different phylum (Chordata). ^^

What group does the bilby come from?

The bilby is an omnivorous marsupial, of the same family as the bandicoot. Phylum: Chordata Class:Mammalia Subclass: Marsupialia Order:Peramelemorphia Family: PeramelidaeGenus: Macrotis

What bilby is in danger of becoming extinct other than the lesser bilby?

The Lesser bilby is already extinct. The Greater bilby is also critically endangered.

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What are the name of the two known bilbies?

The two known bilbies are the Greater Bilby and the Lesser Bilby. The Lesser Bilby is believed to be extinct.

What is a lesser bilby?

The Greater bilby, with the scientific name of Macrotis lagotis, is a small marsupial of Australia. It is a member of the bandicoot family, and a nocturnal omnivore which is found in arid and remote areas of the continent. The Greater bilby is the only surviving bilby: its cousin, the Lesser bilby, has not been sighted since 1931.

What are some species of bilbies?

There is only one species of bilby remaining. It is the Greater bilby ((Macrotis lagotis). There was one other species of bilby, now extinct, and that was the Lesser bilby (Macrotis leucura).

When was the bilby first found?

There used to be two species of bilby. The Lesser Bilby, now extinct, was discovered in 1887. The Greater Bilby, the surviving species, was first described in 1837, but it is not known when it was first discovered.

What is the most endangered Bilby?

There is only one species of bilby left. It is the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis)so it is therefore the most endangered bilby.The lesser bilby (Macotis leucura) is believed to be extinct.

What is the clssification for the bilby?

Here is the classification of the bilby (which is a genus containing several species). Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Infraclass: Marsupialia Order: Peramelemorphia Family: Thylacomyidae Genus: Macrotis