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Q: Why is the gregorian calender more accurate than the Julian calender?
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What is the Julian and gregorian calendar?

The Gregorian calendar is the standard calendar of the "western" world. It was introduced in 1582 as a reform of the Julian calendar, which is almost identical but has 7.5 more leap year days per millennium than the Gregorian calendar, making it about 25 times less accurate.

Where did people use the Julian calendar?

The Julian calendar was used in most places that use the Gregorian calendar today, especially in countries considered "Christian". The switch to the Gregorian calendar, which is very similar but 25 times more accurate, began on October 15, 1582 (Gregorian date).

What is the Gregorian Calendar based on?

It is a reform of the Julian calendar, which loses a day every 128 years. The Gregorian calendar loses a day every 3200 years, making it 25 times more accurate.

Who has more leap years Julian or Gregorian calendars?

The Julian calendar has more leap years. Every 400-year period of the Julian calendar is three days longer than the same period in the Gregorian calendar.

Is the leap year in the Julian calendar?

Yes, beside securing January 1st as the first day of the year, the only difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars is that in the Julian calendar every 4th year is a leap year, but in the Gregorian calendar the 100th, 200th and 300th years of every 400-year period are not leap years. Every 400 years is only three days shorter in the Gregorian calendar than in the Julian calendar, but that makes it about 25 times more accurate.

Why is there a Julian calendar?

The Julian Calender (which became the Christian Calender with only a few holidays retained) is a solar calender, based on earth's orbit of the sun. Previously the Romans used a lunar calender like the Chinese, based on the moon's orbit of the earth. The solar calender was more efficient, and Julius Caeser was a man who liked efficiency, so he pushed for adoption of the calender which bears his name.

Which person introduced leap years?

Julius Caesar introduced leap years when he reformed the Roman calendar in 46 BCE. His calendar, which is called the Julian calendar, was in use for almost 20 centuries. Beginning in 1582, it was eventually replaced by the Gregorian calendar, which is almost identical to the Julian calendar but is more accurate because it has fewer leap years.

When did the Gregorian calendar become standard in its country?

Italy, Spain, Portugal and Poland were the first four countries to switch from the Julian calendar, the calendar reformation commissioned by Julius Caesar in 46 BCE, to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar reformation commissioned by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. They started using the Gregorian calendar on the 15th of October 1582.The last country to switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar was Turkey, more than 344 years later.

How is the Chinese calendar different from the western one?

The Chinese calender utilizes both the lunar and solar calenders. When the 'Chinese New Year' is discussed it is in reference to the lunar calender which is still used for traditional purposes. The western calender is now exclusively solar, which is accepted as a more reliable and accurate calender system.

When was the New Year's Day on the Gregorian calendar?

We currently use the Gregorian Calendar, so New Year's day is January 1. The Gregorian Calendar has been modified over the last 400 years, more than once. Perhaps you intended to ask when New Year's day fell on the Julian Calendar?

Was the calendar changed in 1582?

Yes, October 1582 was the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, which is almost identical to its predecessor but 25 times more accurate.

What is the origin of the word October?

from octo, Latin for "eight"& if you were wondering why it isn't the tenth month but the 8th is that we combind the gregorian calendar & the Roman calendar to createt the calender we use which we know is perfect . gregorian added two more new name : February & May and so there you have it your not very perfect explenation on what is the origin of the word october