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Q: Why is the ground wet in the early morning even though it hasn't rained during the night?
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Do most woman feel sick in the morning and at night during pregnancy?

The majority of women feel sick or nauseous in the morning, though for each woman its different. Some women don't get morning sickness at all and others get it at different times in the day not just the morning.

Does Vitamin D come from morning or evening sunlight?

Though the morning and evening light is good for skin eye and increasing focus (Dhyan Yog). Vitamin D is produced in skin when the sun is about 45 degree as ultraviolet rays are maximum during this time.

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Why would someone though up every morning?

Someone would throw up, as in puke every morning if they were pregnant and had morning sickness.

Where do morning bird nest?

If you mean 'Morning dove' they nest in a fairly calm enviorment like around a mobile home park about 15 feet above the ground (sometimes but rearly seen nesting on the ground) sometimes they nest in hanging plants! you can learn to make the perfect nesting place for a morning dove at: their call is cooooo-coo-coo-cooo is a melody I can't spell though but It's a cooing sound! If your not looking for a Morning dove please Email me at: thanks!-auroradragon

What is planet Venus sometimes called even though it is not a star?

The morning star. Even though it is not a star, and even though it is not always visible in the morning, and is often visible in the evening. -- additional answer -- It is often called "the evening star" also.

How do you dehydrate an apple?

Leave the apple outside in direct light or sunlight for a long period of time. Make sure the apple doesn't get wet or rained upon though. =)

Does a tornado mostly occur during a summer morning or summer evening?

Tornadoes are most common in the afternoon, though they are generally more frequent and more intense in the spring than in summer.

Morning star and evening star are the same?

Not necessarily. Though some appear as morning and evening 'stars'. Venus for example.

Is morning glory poisonous to goats?

Morning Glory, which is of the Ipomoea species, can be toxic to goats even though they love the plant.

How did king minus feed the minotaur?

He didn't. It ate mushrooms that grew down in its labyrinth :3 They where there because it was really humid, and when it rained, it came though the ground down to the labyrinth ;) Athen was under tribute to Crete and had to send a company of youths both boys and girls to him. These Midas sent into the labyrinth to be eaten by the minotaur. It was entirely hands off.

What kind of weather does New York have during Christmas time?

It would be snowy probably not very much on the ground though and it would be at least between -5 to -15 out.