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Q: Why is the image seen in a compound microscope is inverted?
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Explain why an inverted image is seen under a compound microscope?

The microscope you are using is probably old, and it has an odd number of convex lenses between the object and your eye. in addition to enlarging (or reducing) an image, an optical convex lense also inverts the image. If you were to invert the inverted image again, using another lense, then the resulting image will appear upright. So a microscpope with three lenses (most likely the number of lenses in the microscope you are using) inverts the image three times, resulting in an upside-down image. A microscope with four lenses shows an upgright image. That is why modern microscope manufacturers use an even number of lenses in a microscope (and in binoculars).

Is the image viewed through the eyepiece inverted?

yes it is seen inverted

What are the main structural differences between the compound light microscope and the stereoscopic microscope?

Stereoscopic microscopes, also called low-power microscopes, dissection microscopes, or inspection microscopes, are designed for viewing "large" objects at low magnifications. Unlike a compound microscope which provides an inverted 2-dimensional image, stereo microscopes provide an erect (upright and unreversed) stereoscopic (3-dimensional) image......

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What type of microscope can be used if items are too small to be seen with a regular microscope?

a compound light microscope

What specimen's can be seen using a compound microscope?

Lots of tiny things, but it depends on how strong your microscope is.

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Is the microscope you will be using a simple or compound microscope?

help you see living thing movecw: I don't think I've ever seen a simple microscope -- maybe a magnifying glass? Compound!

What are the Kinds of microscopes and their uses?

There there are many. Simple microscope, compound microscope, light microscope, scanning electron microscope, TEMicroscope, Dissection microscope, etc and most of them are used to see small cells that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Why did van Leeuwenhoek make his microscope?

Because the newly invented compound microscope's imagery was not as good. The compound microscope was less tiring on the eye, but with a little pain, more detail could be seen with the simple microscope.