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Because it is

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Q: Why is the land on a floodplain so bad?
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What happens to the floodplain during a flood?

Hmm, let's think about this. Floodplain. Plain: A flat area of land. Flooded: Filled with water. So a floodplain gets filled with water,

What will happen to homes and buisnesses located in a floodplain?

The buildings would flood because if the river floods then the floodplain, a floodplain is flat land that is next to a river, made up of alluvium (sand, silt, and clay). When the river overflows, the floodplain is often under water,will/ would flood too, so if the land floods, then, the buildings and businesses on that land will flood too.

How do you put floodplain in a sentence?

An example of a floodplain would be the land around Lake Superior

What is the flat land on either side of the river called that is near the sea and might flood?

it is a floodplain

What is the name of the fertile flat land that surrounds a meander?

A floodplain

What is are the bad points about farming on a floodplain?

the good point ł

An area of fertile land near the coast that is good for farming is what?

A floodplain.

What is the difference between the topographic floodplain and the hydrologic floodplain?

Hydrologic floodplain, the land adjacent to the baseflow channel residing below bankfull elevation. It is inundated about two years out of three. Not every stream corridor has a hydrologic floodplain.Topographic floodplain, the land adjacent to the channel including the hydrologic floodplain and other lands up to an elevation based on the elevation reached by a flood peak of a given frequency; for example, the 1-percent (100 year) floodplain.Another way to look at it, in an incising channel, that is to say that the river is cutting into valley, will create two floodplain benches, the lower and narrow one the hydrologic floodplain and the higher and much wider one the topographical floodplain.

Why should not you live on a floodplain?

It's less hospitable land for humans and mammals.

What land in Bangladesh is grassy or mountain or etc?

Most of Bangladesh is a floodplain for the Ganges.

Which land region in Louisiana has all alluvial soil?

Mississippi floodplain region

What is land that gets covered by water from a stream or river during a flood?

A 'floodplain'.