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Because the uterus is getting ready to host a foeatus.

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Q: Why is the lining of the uterus thick during ovulation?
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What is the lining of the uterus breaking apart?

The lining of the uterus breaking apart is the mucus lining that is usually formed so as to create a conducive environment for a fertilized egg to develop. If the ovum is not fertilized, the thick lining breaks apart which is what causes menstruation.

Why does the uterus lining become thick?

to prepare the uterus to receive any fertilized eggs

What does it mean if your uterus lining is thick but you are not pregnant?

Premenstrually the lining thickens and is later shed if there is no fertilized egg to implant into the lining. A hormonal imbalance, infection or endometriosis can all cause a thickening of the lining, irregularly during your cycle.

Why does the uterus lining have to become thick?

To prepare for any fertilized eggs XD

Why does the uterus lining need to become thick?

The uterus produces a lining called the endometrium. The endometrium creates an environment for the fertilized egg to implant to and grow. the lining is thick so when the fertilised egg lands on it, it can have like a sort of perfect house to live in

What happens to the uterus wall before the release of an egg?

After the release of an egg, the uterus will form a thick lining of blood within its wall in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. If the egg will not be fertilized, the thick lining of blood with exit the body in the process of menstruation.

Why does a womens uterus thicken?

Progestrone causes the uterine lining to thicken in preparation of a fertilized egg. If no egg is fertilized, the thick lining is shed as a menstrual cycle.

How is the uterine lining is prepared for possible pregnancy?

You have the proliferative phase before the ovulation. After the ovulation you get the secretary phase. Here the glands becomes tortuous. The uterine lining becomes thick. This happens under the influence of both oestrogen and progesterone hormones.

Why does the unterus lining thicken?

Because if the egg is fertilised, it implants into the thick uterus lining. If it wasn't thick, there would be nothing for it to implant into. Also, once the egg is fertilised and is implanted there, it provides protection around the egg

Why does the uterus wall become thick and spongy before ovulation?

So that it can form a protective environment for the egg to develop into a baby.

Why is the thickening of the uterus important to reproduction?

Because if the egg is fertilised, it implants into the thick uterus lining. If it wasn't thick, there would be nothing for it to implant into. Also, once the egg is fertilised and is implanted there, it provides protection around the egg

Why does a female no longer needs thick uterus lining if fertilization doesn't occurs?

The thick lining is prepared by the nature,so that implantation of the zygote should be possible. If there is no fertilization, then this lining is shed away. You have fresh lining for the next month. After all generation next is very much important for the nature.