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They allow the arteriole walls to contract the help the blood flow along the vein or artery so it doesn't get stuck or clot.

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Q: Why is the muscle in the arterioles important for blood flow?
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Contraction of the smooth muscle in arterioles would decrease blood pressure?

No it would increase BP, as contraction of the smooth muscle in the arterioles will make the lumen (holes) of the arterioles smaller, restricting blood flow.

What type of blood flow is needed for muscle tissue?

The type of blood flow that is needed for muscle tissue is skeletal muscle blood flow. Skeletal muscle blood flow is important for both voluntary and involuntary muscles.

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Arterioles generally have the highest resistance because they are so extremely small.

How does smooth muscle make blood vessels function?

Smooth muscle is mostly in the afferent branch going from the arteries to the arterioles. The body controls where blood will flow by controlling the vessel diameter. An increase in sympathetic tone constricts smooth muscle, decreases blood vessel diameter, and limits blood flow.

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Arterioles are small blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood to the body tissues.

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