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Q: Why is the oarfish endangered?
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Is the oarfish dangerous?

There is nothing that suggests the oarfish is dangerous.

How many young do the oarfish bear?

Oarfish are a breed of long, bony fish that are found in tropical oceans. The lifespan of an oarfish is between 15 and 20 years.

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How many oar fish are left in the wild?

People very rarely encounter living oarfish in the wild. However, they have a worldwide distribution (we know this primarily from finding them occasionally washed up on beaches). However, considering how rarely we encounter them, oarfish are probably data deficient (in other words, we don't know enough about their populations to determine whether they are or aren't endangered). We definitely don't know how many there are in the wild.

How big are oar fish?

Oarfish are 87 feet.

How does the oar fish protect themselves?

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What adaptations do oarfish have?

The oarfish has so many adaptations that helps its survival. They have a long bone structure that helps them to swim in a vertical position. Since they do not have teeth, they do not eat meat.

Is the Oarfish extinct?

no.they are almost extinct they are very rare.

What do oarfish eat?

Let us be clear, here. Although, when cooked properly it is considered a delicacy, in China, Oarfish is often not preferred for consumption because of its "gelatinous flesh." - many sources refer to the flesh as a reason not to consume oarfish. But it is edible.