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Q: Why is the ocean less deep near mid ocean ridges than near the continents?
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Why are andesitic and granitic rocks confined to the continents and ocean margins but absent from deep ocean basins?

The igneous rock underlying the deep ocean basins is basaltic, as its source material comes from the asthenosphere. Andesitic igneous rock is formed at colliding plate margins, where subducting oceanic crust is partially melted and undergoes differentiation as it rises through the continental crust. Granitic rock is less dense than oceanic crust and composes the continents.

Why do continents float high relative to the ocean basin?

The continents are thicker and less dense than the materials that make up the ocean basins.

Why do mantle convection currents rise under mid ocean ridges?

They don't. The presence of magma at mid-ocean ridges is due to the effect of less pressure on the mantle below known as "decompressional melting". Mantle rock is extremely hot, yet it remains in solid state because it is under immense pressure. At mid-ocean ridges, where tectonic plates are pulling apart, the crust is thinner, meaning less pressure on the mantle rocks below, thus they are able to melt, become less dense and rise.

How deep is the middle of the ocean?

The depth of water at the apex of the ridge is less than 2,700 metres.

What factor would limit the growth of algae in deep ocean water?

The cold would affect it from growing in the deep water and depending on how deep the it would receive less and less sunlight which it needs to grow

How is decompression melting triggered?

Mantle convection works to uplift rocks at mid-ocean ridges where they are exposed to less overburden and therefore, less pressure. As the pressure decreases, the rocks begin to melt.

Why do you think that mining on land is less costly than mining in the deep ocean is?

Mining on land is less costly than mining in the deep ocean because it takes more equipment to go down to the bottom of the ocean, and all of that equipment costs more money than what they use on land.

What ocean has the smallest waves?

By average wave size, the Arctic Ocean, since for most of the year it is covered by pack ice, and the average depth is less around the continents.

Why are deep areas of the ocean dark?

The further down, the less sunlight is able to penetrate into the darkness.

Caused when dense seawater moves toward less dense seawater?

I think that it causes a deep ocean current.....

What effects do deeps currents have?

Deep ocean currents have enormous effect on climatic conditions. Deep ocean currents are also known as conveyor belt for temperature. There are two types of water currents, cold and warm. The warm water currents are less dense than cold water currents.

What is older the continents or the ocean floor?

On average, continents are older than ocean basins. Due to the action of plate tectonics, ocean crust is being formed and destroyed continuously. The oldest oceanic crust is about 200 million years old, whereas continents, which are less dense than oceanic crust and tend not to be subducted into the mantle, can be more than 3,000 million years old in places.