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Ozone layer is important. It is because it protects us from UV rays.

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Q: Why is the ozone layer so importnant?
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Related questions

Why is the ozone layer named the ozone layer?

Ozone layer contains ozone in it. Therefore, it is named so.

Which ozone layer does global warming affect most?

The ozone layer is a single layer. So there is no point of WHICH ozone layer.

What atmospheric layer has the greatest concentration of ozone?

The ozone layer reaches its maximum concentration in Stratosphere. It does so because of the suitable conditions.

Why ozone layer become thinner?

the ozone layer is shrinking because the big hole in it is getting larger so the ozone layer has to be getting smaller so yes

What does the ozone layer protect life from?

Ozone layer protects life. It does so from UV's.

Why is ozone layer so important?

See "What does the ozone layer do?" in the "Related questions" section below.

How can you get out of the ozone layer?

You cannot be stuck in ozone. So there is no need to get out.

What is the layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun?

The UV rays must pass through atmosphere. So the layer must be in Atmosphere. The layer of the atmosphere is he ozone layer.

What is the hole in the Ozone Layer?

Ozone layer is getting depleted due to release of CFC gases. CFC gases react with ozone and break it into oxygen. So, holes in ozone layer are places where ozone is broken into oxygen.

How cold does the ozone layer have to be to so icebergs dont melt?

The temp of the ozone layer has no affect on icebergs.

What can be done to prewent the ozone layer destroying?

The ozone layer can be protected. It can be done so by avoiding CFC's.

How are humans threatening the ozone layer?

Humans are threatening the ozone layer. They are doing so by releasing CFC's.