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That is where most of the chemical reactions occur

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Q: Why is the pH of the thylakoid lower than the stroma?
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Is there a relationship between the pH of the inner thylakoid space and the pH of the stroma?


Which compartment in chloroplasts is likely to have the lowest pH?

The thylakoid lumen is likely to have the lowest pH in chloroplasts due to the accumulation of protons during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

Why does the pH of the cell become more basic during photosynthesis?

During the light reactions of photosynthesis, protons (H+) are ferried into the thylakoid space using the energy from the excited electrons in Photosystems 680 and 700. H+ causes buildup of hydronium (H3O+) ions in water, which are acidic.

What does it mean when a pH is lower than seven?

A pH lower than seven indicates acidity. This means there is a higher concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution, making it acidic.

Which acids have a pH lower than 4.6?

There are many acids that have a pH lower than 4.6. Hydrochloric acid for example has a pH of less than 2.

Describes a solution with a pH lower than the pH of distilled water?

A solution with a pH lower than that of distilled water would be acidic. This could be achieved by adding an acid such as hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid to water. Acidic solutions have a pH below 7, with the lower the pH, the more acidic the solution will be.

What will happen to the pH inside of a thylakoid that is exposed to light?

It will decrease.

Is pH of a basic solution higher or lower than pH of a acid solution?

A basic pH is higher than an acidic or neutral pH.

Do bases have a pH of more than 7?

Yes, bases have a pH greater than 7. They typically have pH values higher than 7 up to 14, indicating their alkaline nature.

Is pH 9 more acidic than pH 4?

No, pH 9 is actually more basic (alkaline) than pH 4. The pH scale is logarithmic, so each unit is 10 times more acidic or basic than the unit next to it. pH 4 is more acidic than pH 9.

When rainfall what is the reading on the pH scale lower than 5.6?

When rainfall has a pH value lower than 5.6, it is defined as acid rain. This occurs when rainwater mixes with acidic pollutants in the atmosphere, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from industrial activities and vehicle emissions. Acid rain can have harmful effects on the environment, including damaging plant life, soil quality, and bodies of water.

A solution that is a 4 on the pH scale is a?

A solution which has a pH lower than 7 is a acid.