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Q: Why is the placenta called an afterbirth after the baby is born?
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Pertaining to the navel?

Contemplating how to answer that. Mammals are born with an umbilical cord that connects the baby indirectly to the circulation of the mother via the placenta. Since the placenta is not needed after birth, neither is the connection from the baby to the placenta. The hole mostly closes up and leaves a navel.

What part of the female body feeds the baby?

Placenta while in utero and breasts once born.

What forms the belly button?

It is the place where the umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta. After the baby is born, the umbilical is cut off, eventually heals over and leaves the belly button.

How does childbirth work?

This is called labour - There are three stages of labour. First stage - You will have contractions which can be minutes apart. A plug of mucus is passed from your vagina, this is called a show. Your waters break (either on their own or done by the midwife if they don't break on their own, this is called artificial rupture of the membranes), the cervix begins to dilate. (A fully dilated cervix would be 10cm dialated) and you have contractions Second stage - The part where the baby is born. When the head is visible at the vagina, this is called crowning, you will feel a stinging/burning sensation when this is happening (also known as the ring of fire), the area between the vagina and anus, called the perineum may either tear or it has to be cut (this is called an episiotomy), delivery follows by the head, then the shoulders emerge and the rest of the baby is born. Sometimes babies are not always born head first, they can be born breech (which means bum or feet first) and other positions of the baby can be tranverse (baby lies across). Some women need help to deliver their baby (this is called an assisted delivery), which can be done by * Forceps (where metal tongs, resembling salad servers) are used to deliver the head. You will also need an episiotomy for this. * Vacuum (ventouse) - where the baby is sucked out with a suction device. * Trial of forceps - This means they will try a forceps delivery. If this is unsuccessful, they will switch to a caesarean section. * Caesarean section - Where the baby is born via a cut in the mother's abdomen. The incision is mainly made across in the lower abdomen, where the bikini line is, but sometimes, less commonly the old fashioned vertical incision is done. Third stage - The placenta is delivered

What is it called when a baby is born with a hole in the roof of his mouth this is called a?

This is called a Cleft Pallate. This condition is often seen together with a Heir Lip. Hope this helps.

Related questions

What is placenta called after it is expelled from the body after childbirth?

the placenta is called an afterbirth after the baby is born

What is the the other name for placenta?

The placenta is some times called the 'after birth' as it is expelled from the uterus after the baby is born.

Is the delivery of the baby the end of childbirth?

No. After the baby is born the mother still needs to expell the rest of the placenta, usually called the afterbirth. Also if it was a ceaserian section the mother will need stitching back up.

What is the gunk called that comes out when the baby is pulled out?

The matter which is delivered after a baby is born is called, afterbirth.

What does placenta mean and do?

The placenta is a large organ that attaches to the wall of a pregnant womans womb, extracts nutrients and oxygen from her blood and feeds them to her developing baby. It is formed of cells from the embryo, so is not part of the mother. After the baby is born it is ejected from the womb, forming the "afterbirth". Most mammals use a placenta, the exceptions being the marsupials (kangaroo, opossom etc) and monotremes.

What is the final stage in the birth process?

The final stage in the birth process is the delivery of the placenta, also known as the afterbirth. This occurs shortly after the baby is born, and it is important to ensure that it is fully expelled to prevent any complications.

What comes out after the baby is born?

Placenta comes out after the baby is born.

What is it called when the placenta is birthed before the fetus?

This condition is called Placenta Previa. With placenta previa, the placenta grows on the lower part of the uterus partially or totally covering the opening of the cervix. The placenta should form at the top of the uterus, above the baby. With a normal pregnancy, the baby would be born first, then the placenta. With placenta previa, the placenta would be delivered first. Women with placenta previa require a c-section because as soon as the umbilical cord comes into contact with oxygen, the baby will automatically breathe with his lungs. Delivering the placenta first puts the baby at risk of suffocation in the womb.

What stage is baby born?

There are three stages of labor, the first one is where the woman's water breaks and she starts having contractions which is the baby moving further down into the birth canal to get ready to be born. The second stage is the pushing stage, where the maternal instinct comes into practice to help the baby be born. Then, after the baby is born, the third stage is the afterbirth, which is the placenta removing itself from the wall of the uterus and coming through the same exit.

How is baby?

The baby is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is connected to the placenta, and the placenta is connected to the uterus. The placenta and umbilical cord are temporary organs that are expelled when the baby is born.

What Happens to the placenta when the baby is born?

the placenta is attached to the baby through the umbilical cord. after the baby is born the cord is cut and the placenta still needs to be removed. to remove the placenta the mother goes through a third stage of labor to deliver the placenta. this normally lasts about about 10-15 minuets. the mother pushes while the doctor assists and finally its out.

Which organ carries out the placenta's functions after a baby is born?
