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because when they discovered it they could see it glowing like the goddess venus

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Q: Why is the planet Venus named after a goddess?
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What planet is the goddess of beauty named after?

The planet Venus is named after the mythical Roman goddess of beauty and love..

Is Aphrodite the goddess of the planet Venus?

No, the planet Venus is named for the Roman goddess Venus who is associated with Aphrodite.

Who named planet Venus?

The ancient Roman people named the planet Venus. The planet was named after the goddess of the same name.

Who or what planet was Venus named after?

Venus got her name as a Roman goddess, not from anyone or anything else. The planet was later named after the goddess.

Who named the planet Venus?

Venus was named after a goddess named Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

Why Is Venus Named after the Greek goddess of love and beauty?

Venus the planet is named for the Roman goddess Venus who was goddess of love and beauty and identified with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess.

What planet is named after goddess of beauty?


Which planet is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty?

The planet Venus is named after the Roman goddess Venus. The planet that bears the name of the ancient goddess of beauty and love is the second of our solar system and it is called planet Venusof course Venus!the planet venus

What is the planet named for the goddess of love and beauty?

Venus, a Roman goddess.

What is the second planet named for a Roman goddess?


What gender is Venus?

Venus is usually considered a feminine gender. Many women are named Venus. The planet Venus is the only major planet named for a goddess.

What does the planet word Venus mean.?

Venus was named after the roman god of love and beauty.