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The snout of the platypus and the echidna are not similar at all. The platypus has a broad, flat bill which is equipped with sensitive electroreceptors which enable it to detect electrical impulses given out by tiny invertebrates underwater. The echidna has a long, pointed snout which it will push into termite mounds to get to termites, but it has no electroreceptors.

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Q: Why is the platypus's and echidna's snout similar?
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It is called "Damien" and is in the first season, and to be accurate he is turned into a DUCK BILLED platypuss.

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no they are very playful

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Hedgehogs and echidnas show convergent evolution. Despite being far apart, they ended up looking very similar. Like sharks and dolphins.

What species does a duck billed platypuss belong to?

The platypus is a mammal that lays eggs.

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Echidnas do not hibernate.

Do echidnas hop?

No. Echidnas do not hop. They walk.

How many mammies don't lay eggs?

Most mammals don't lay eggs, however one special group of mammals called Monotremes. This group consists of five species; one being the duck billed platypuss and the other four are called Echidnas. Out of the approximately 5400 species of mammals, these 5 are the only species that lay eggs.

Are there echidnas in Bali?

There are no echidnas in Bali. Echidnas are found only in Australia and on the island of New Guinea.

How is a crocodile's snout different from a alligator's snout?

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