

Why is the polar bear a Canadian symbol?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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14y ago

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It's not. It just happens to be on one of our coins. polars bears are a symbol because they only live in the northern hemesphere in the Canadian area

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Q: Why is the polar bear a Canadian symbol?
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Why is a polar bear a Canadian symbol?

It's not. It just happens to be on one of our coins. polars bears are a symbol because they only live in the northern hemesphere in the Canadian area

Is a bear on the 2dallars canadian coin?

Yes. A polar bear.

What is the Canadian Twoonie?

the canadian twoonie is worth 2 dollars and has a polar bear on it

Where is Canadian money made?

Canadian money is made in polar bear land.

What do Canadian polar bears eat?

Seals are the main source of food in the polar bear diet.

Do you have Canadian Polar Bear coins?

Yes. They are two dollar coins, called "toonies" by canadians. They started making the polar bear coins in 1996.

What team does a polar bear symbol stand for?

The norweigan hockey team

What is the connotative meaning of polar bear?

To me, the Polar bear symbolizes independent resistance to extreme circumstances. 'The Old Man in the White Coat' meant a lot more than that to the First People of our northern climes. The Inuit have immortalized the Polar bear in their legend of the unbroken love between the adopted Polar bear cub, Kunik, and a woman of their tribe.

Why are there bear statues in Canada?

Bears loom large in the Canadian mystique, there are three bear species there, the polar, brown, and American black bear.

What animal is on a Canadian twoonie coin?

The Polar Bear, and on the other side is Queen Elizabeth.

What animal is on the 2 dollar?

If you mean the $2.00 Canadian coin, it is a polar bear and called a "toonie"

What makes a polar bear Canadian?

because its on the $2 coin and practically only lives in Canada