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It protects us from the UV rays of the sun. It is present in the stratosphere.

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Q: Why is the presence of ozone above the atmosphere important for the survival of living thing on earth?
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Which is the presence of ozone above the troposphere important for the survival of living things on earth?

The presence of ozone above the troposphere is very important. It protects us from the UV rays of the sun that are fatal.

Why is the presence of ozone above the troposphere important for the survival of living thing on earth?

it offers protection from the suns UV rays

Why is the presence of ozone layers of the troposphere important for the survival of living things on earth?

it offers protection from the suns UV rays

Why is the presence of ozone above the troposphere important for the survival of living things on earth?

Ozone is vital for human survival. Without it, sun's rays would destroy human race.

Why is the presence of the ozone above the troposphere important for the survival of living things on earth?

Ozone is vital for human survival. Without it, sun's rays would destroy human race.

Why is carbon dioxide important to the survival of life on earth name one other gas in the earth's atmosphere and explain its importance to living things?

oxygen is important as it helps in respiration

What is the presence of ozone above the troposphere important for the survival of living things on earth?

It protects us from teh UV rays. These UV rays are harmful rays of the sun.

How is oxgen from the atmosphere important?

It is important because without it, there can be no living thing. Living organisms need oxygen to exist.

Why is the earths atmosphere important for living these?

The earth's atmosphere is what we must breath or we would suffocate and die.

What are two factors are very important for survival of living thing?

Water, and Food! ;D

Why is biosphere important for living organisms?

all the living organisms including humans are linked to each other and to the biosphere for survival

What is the most important source of carbon entering atmosphere?

The most important source of carbon entering atmosphere is industries. Living things, burning fossil fuels and automobiles are other sources of carbon dioxide.