

Why is the president taking Mexicans back to Mexico?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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because you Mexicans are making us wite people looze are jobs so u guys can work---not fair =~c

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Q: Why is the president taking Mexicans back to Mexico?
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Were do Mexicans go when deported?

They are sent back to Mexico.

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Why are illegal Mexicans not allowed to work any more what can they do?

Because they are taking the job positions of people that actually deserve the job or is legal. They can go back to Mexico that is what they can do.

Do people want Mexicans to go back to Mexico?

Only those who do not have a legal status in the United States.

How do you get in touch with the right people to have a Mexicans that causes trouble sent back to Mexico?

Just call INS

Why does mitt romney wants the Mexicans to go back to Mexico?

He doesn't necessarily want the "Mexicans to go back...he just doesn't want illegal Mexicans to come to the United States...because when they come to the United States they take all of the US s money

Why does immigration hate Mexicans?

Because immigration is racist to Mexicans I also think it has to do with the fact that so much if not all of the south west was Mexico at one time, they probably feel guilty and scared the Mexicans will try and take it back.

What happens if illegal Mexicans get caught crossing the border more than once?

they take your fingerprints and a mugpicture and they send you back to Mexico in a few hours

What are contributions that Mexicans gave to the US?

Many things..going as far back as ancient times. Here is a quote from our great President Barack Obama as he toasted Mexico's President Felipe Calderón at a White House dinner: "We celebrate all that Mexico and its ancient civilizations has given the world throughout history -- advances in architecture and astronomy, mathematics and medicine, and of course, some very good food -- including the "food of the gods" -- chocolate" (Laughter.)

Why don't Mexicans go back to Mexico?

First, it is a myth that all immigrants are Mexicans, and it is also a myth that the US is being overrun with illegal Mexican immigrants. While many illegal immigrants are indeed from Mexico, many are not. (And it should also be noted that many immigrants from Mexico are legal, and have every right to be here.) Studies have shown that there are illegal immigrants from numerous countries, including Ireland and China, who come to the US and either overstay their visa unintentionally or decide they don't want to leave, even when they are supposed to. As for Mexicans, many do in fact go back to Mexico. But others stay, and in some cases, they live in the shadows for years, working at jobs many Americans don't want to do.

Why are there many Mexicans here?

Because the southwestern United States once belonged to Mexico. Also, many hardships back home prompt many Mexican nationals to seek work in the US.

Why did texes want freedom from Mexican rule?

i think it is because peopLe from the us saw texas as an opertunity but mean while the mexicans were ruling the land cause back then texas was aparty of mexico