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people depend on all the plants and animals living there to stay alive

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Q: Why is the rainforest so important to people?
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Why is the rainforest so important to indiginous people?

THey have lived there and depend on the other living things in the rainforest.

Why is the Amazon rainforest important to the medical field?

The Amazon Rainforest is important to the Medical Field because there are many plants in the rainforest that can cure illnesses, so scientists go looking for those plants.

What is a science sentence with tropical rainforest in it?

A tropical rainforest is of great importance to the environment so it is important that we do all we can to study it and protect it.

Why is important to have animals in the rainforest?

well its an environment now figure out the rest

Why the rainforest important for the world?

so there is some animals and some meadicne to look for

Why do rainforest matter?

Rainforest are important because it holds

Why are animals important to the people who live in the rainforest?

Protection and hunting but also its the way they live, no animals in the rainforest = no man kind in the rainforest but by today these animals are getting extinct so it would make a difference because were in the middle of the latest mass extinction but we are trying to make it as little as possible so we don't loose many different species.

Why is the rainforest important to the capybara?

It needs a life and a place to live so he/she could have freedom.

Why were the rainforest so important in Africa?

African rainforests blocked invaders out and provided resouces.

Why Amazon river is so important?

agriculture tourism medicines rainforest products biodiversity

What is komba and why is it important to the baka people of the African rainforest?

Komba, is their supreme god, the creator of everything.

What is the most important rainforest in the world?

The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest and in my opinion the most important it is in Brazil