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Because the bigger the load is, more weathering and erosion there is. The less of it means less of weathering and erosion.

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Q: Why is the sediment load in a river an indicator of the amount of weathering and erosion?
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How does weathering affect erosion and deposition?

it affects it on its amount of water

What kind of agent of erosion moves the same amount of sediment as ice?

water moves a greater amount of sediment in a much faster way

How does weathering erosion and deposition affect delta?

it affects it on its amount of water

What does weathering and erosion have on rocks?

Weathering is when it rains and has a vary amount of wind and different types of weather. Erosion is when he rocks deform to different shapes. So it has a HUGE Impact because it changes the look of the rock.

How do plants and roots effect weathering?

Effect weathering on soil? Because roots hold soil in place, the amount of erosion with plants will be less than without.

Explain the difference between erosion and deposition?

Glacial erosion is the process by which a glacial flows over the land, picking up rocks. Glacial deposition is the process by which a glacier gathers a huge amount of rock and soil as it Erodes the land in the path

How would size of the sediment in the streams load differ in the streams volume increasing or decreasing?

The size of the sediment would decrease further downstream (where there is a greater volume of water) as there is more energy in the flow. Therefore more erosion will occur and the sediment will rub together with other materials i.e other rocks or the river bed (this is called attrition). The sediment will therefore reduce in size but there will be a greater amount of it. (The amount of sediment is called the discharge.)

Could a fast flowing river carry very little sediment?

Fast moving water can carry more sediment. Firstly because the potential of erosion rises with flow speed; secondly because larger grains can be transported by faster water and thirdly because the volume flow per unit time increases with flow speed. The actual amount / concentration of sediment transported by a stream is very dependent on the geology of the catchment, i.e. the amount of soft sediment available for erosion.

By what process do rocks become sediment?

Loose sediments can become a sedimentary rock through the process of lithification. These sediments are compacted due to intense pressure and then undergo cementation to form sedimentary rocks.

What factor is most likely to affect the amount of erosion done by a stream?

The slope or gradient of the stream is the most likely factor to affect the amount of erosion. Steeper slopes result in higher velocities, which in turn increase the erosive power of the stream. A steeper slope also allows the stream to carry larger sediment and potentially cause more erosion.

How does weathering erosion and deposition effect Niagara Falls?

Erosion occurs to Niagara Falls becaust there is a vast amount of water flowing over the edge and it rubs against the edge causing pieces to fall off.

How does the speed of water affect the sediment deposit?

The greater the streams rate of flow, the greater the amount of erosion, the larger the sediments.