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Dark coloured shirts are thermal conductors, so they attract more heat. White shirts are thermal insulators, so they get rid of heat. that's why you should wear a white shirt in the summer.

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Q: Why is the shirt hotter than a white shirt?
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Generally blacktop will get hotter because the color black is a better absorber of heat and energy than a lighter colored material. Black is a higher emissivity or rate at which it absorbs energy due to heat. This is why you feel warmer when you wear a black shirt on a hot day compared to a white shirt.

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yes, there is because picture it as wearing a is commonly hotter than a white shirt so theres your answer have fun:) ................................................................................................................................................. well im not races either :) byee byee tat tat churrio O

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you don't "think" you feel hotter. you DO feel hotter. your black shirt absorbs all colors of light from the sun transferring that radiant energy into heat energy. your white shirt instead reflects this light energy.

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