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A molecule is the smallest unit that still has the same properties as the material it came from. Although it would be limited, a water molecule would do anything that a bucket of water would do.

For example, if you broke the molecule down further, you'd get hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen burns and oxygen supports things that burn. Water suppresses burning things.

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Q: Why is the smallest sample of water a singer water molecule?
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A molecule, as in a molecule of water.

What are the smallest unit of chemical compound that still has the properties of that compound?

particles called atoms are the smallest unit. Several atoms combine to make a molecule and molecules are what form substances such as water

What is the smallest piece of water called?

A molecule of H2O.

What is the smallest amount of water you can have?

A single molecule. If you split that up, it will no longer be water.

True or false the tiniest bit of water that still is water is a molecule of water?

No. Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom. Both of these can exist as pure elements in the form of H2 and O2, respectively. Since a hydrogen (H) atom has the fewest number of protons and electrons, at one a piece, H2, the binding of two of this smallest atom, is the smallest molecule.

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the smallest possible piece of water would be one water molecule. (one molecule of H2O), consisting of 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Anything smaller, and it would lose the characteristics of water.

Which is the smallest particle into which water in a glass can be broken down and still remain water?

This is the molecule of water - H2O.

Is pond is the smallest body of water?

The molecule: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen.

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What is the smallest unit of compound?

A molecule is the smallest part of a compound that still retains the properties of said compound. As the atom is the smallest particle of an element into which it can be divided and still retain all the properties of that element, the molecule is the atom's analog for a compound.