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"Heure" is a common, feminine noun in French. The singular "heure" is properly used when you have only one (as in "il est une heure" : it is one o'clock), and the plural "heures" is used starting from two (il est deux heures et quart : it is a quarter past two)

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Q: Why is the spelling of heures different for il est une heure in French?
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How do you say 1 o'clock in French?

1am is "une heure." 1pm is "trieze heures."

How do you say 'hours' in French?

les heures Une Heure Pronounce: Are-he

How do you say twenty past the hour in french?

une heure vingt, deux heures vingt etc

How do you say 5 past 1 in french?

une heure cinq (in the morning) treize heures cinq (in the afternoon)

How do you say 1240 o'clock in French?

12:40 is midi quarante /or/ douze heures quarante /or/ une heure moins vingt in French.

How do you say two o clock in french?

It is 3 o'clock = Il est trois heures It is 3 o'clock in the afternoon = Il est trois heures de l'apres-midi (or: Il est quinze heures)

How do you say midnight in french?

"Midnight" in French is minuit.

How do you tell time in French?

French uses the word heure (hour) when referring to the time of day. So you do not ask about the time, you ask "what hour is it?" To ask what time it is: quelle heure est-il? To say "it's one o'clock": Il est une heure. To say "in the morning": du matin. To say "in the afternoon" de l'après-midi. To say "at night": de la nuit. However, usually instead of saying "in the morning" or "in the afternoon", French speakers will normally use 24-hour time. For example trente heures (13 h) means one pm. "Half past one" is une heure et demi (written 1 h 30). "Quarter past one" is une heure et quart or une heures et quinze (1 h 15). "Quarter to two" is deuze heures moins quart, or une heure quarante-cinq, or deuze heures moins quinze, all of which are written 1 h 45.Une heure: one o'clock (written 1 h)deux heures: two o'clock (2 h) trois heures: three o'clock (3 h) quatre heures: four o'clock (4 h) cinq heures: five o'clock (5 h)six heures: six o'clock (6 h)sept heures: seven o'clock (7 h)huit heures: eight o'clock (8 h) neuf heures: nine o'clock (9 h) dix heures: ten o'clock (10 h)onze heures: eleven o'clock (11 h) midi: midday, twelve pmminuit: midnight, twelve am.

How do you say i get up at half 6 in french?

"je me lève à six heure et demie" or "... à six heures trente"

How do you say 3 45 pm in french?

3:45 pm is spelled"quinze heures quarante cinq" (most frequent spelling)or "quatre heures moins le quart" (second most frequent spelling)or "trois heures quarante cinq"For the second and third solution, French speakers don't bother to add "de l'après-midi" when it is obvious. (When it is not obvious, they tend to use the first solution.)

What is il est trois heures dix?

Il est trois heures dix translates as 'it is ten past three (o'clock)'

How do you write 45 in french for time?

12:45 = douze heures quarante cinq / or / une heure moins le quart (more like "a quarter to one)