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the sun is higher in summer because of the way the earth goes around the sun in winter we are abit closer then in summer but it does not have the same effect because off the angle off the earth

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12y ago
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12y ago

The sun is higher in the summer because of the phenomenon known as the 'procession of the equinoxes.'

The earth revolves around the sun, all the while rotating around its axis. The procession of the equinoxes is the result of the earth 'wobbling' around its axis, meaning that at different times of the year different parts of the earth face the sun.

During summer, the sun is 'higher' because that part of the earth is tilted more directly at it, if that makes sense.

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12y ago

Um, it isn't. The sun is higher during the summer because the earth is tilted towards the sun so it appears to be higher in the sky. :P

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When is the best time to collect a sputum sample?

summer and when the sun is shinning

Is summer when you are facing the sun?

It is day when you are facing the sun, and night when you are not. The seasons depend upon the maximum angle of the sun to the earth during the day. When the sun reaches it's zenith (highest point), that is the summer solstice--the day on which summer begins. Summer ends when the day and night have shortened to equal lengths--the equinox (equal night). Solstice in the northern hemisphere is, incidentally, when the morning sun appears to "stand still" on the horizon. Every day in the spring the sun rises further and further south each day, reaching its southernmost point at the solstice. The further north you go, the lower the sun falls on the horizon. At 45 degrees north, the sun reaches a height of only 45 degrees at high noon on the summer solstice. The solstices and equinoxes, incidentally, mark the boundaries of the four seasons. That's why we say summer begins long after it has gotten hot, and winter doesn't begin until December 21st or thereabouts, even though it is cold and snowy long before then.

Is summer hotter because earth is closest to the sun during this time?

No. In fact Earth is at its farthest point from the sun in early July and at its closest point in January. Earth's axis of rotation is tilted so relative to its orbit, so each hemisphere is alternately tilted toward and away from the sun. When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun it experiences summer while the southern hemisphere, which is tilted away, experiences winter. When a hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, sunlight strikes the surface there at a steeper angle, so the sunlight is less spread out than it would be hitting at a shallow angle. The more concentrated sunlight results in greater heating.

Does daylight increase in the summer?

because the area you live in, in the is more pointed towards the sun in the summer. but in the winter, its not. The Earth spins on its axis, but the poles of the axis actually rotate a little bit over the course of the year. I will assume you live in the Northern Hemisphere for this explanation. In summer, this hemisphere is tilted a little bit more towards the sun, so that it is higher in the sky and therefore actually takes longer to cross the sky, resulting in more daylight. In winter the opposite is true, with the sun taking a shorter path across the sky and shortening the days. beacauseof the way the earth is tilted on its axe. keep in mind that it is always opposite times on the other side of the earth.

Why balloons pops out during hot summer more frequently then winter?

its temperature is higher than the winter

Related questions

Why is the sun higher in the sky in summer?

The earth turns all around, in summer it is in a position the sun is "higher" or more above, that's why it is summer :-)

Why is the sun higher in the sky in the the summer and lower in the winter?

why the sun is higher in summer is because the earths top of the axis is pointed to the sun which makes this hotter and in winter the axis is pointed away from the sun which makes it colder

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When the sun is higher in the sky in summer why is it hotter?

because the earht spins on its axis

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the sun is higher in the sky in the summer than in the winter

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In the summer, the sun is higher in the sky, casting shadows that are shorter. In the winter, the sun is lower in the sky, creating longer shadows. This difference in the angle of the sun's rays causes the length of shadows to vary between the seasons.

How does sun light hit the earth in summer?

The sun's zenith is higher in the sky during the summer months, regardless of which hemisphere you are in. At the 45th parallel the sun will rise to about 45° at high noon.

Why are temperature usually warmest in summer?

In Summer, the Sun gets up higher at noon. Also, the days are longer.

Explain how there are more hours of daylight during summer?

We have more hours of daylight in the summer because the sun is higher in the sky.

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Yes the sun is more direct at higher altitudes.

Is the sun lower or higher in the sky during winter?

The sun reaches its highest elevation at the moment that summer begins.

Why is the sun higher in the sky in summer and lower in the winter?

Because of the tilt of Earth's axis.