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it is because the energy from the sun feeds the plants, but of course they do need water so...

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Why is the sun so important to the plants

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Q: Why is the sun so important to the plants?
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How is sun important to plants?

It provides the energy required by the plants.

Can organisms survive without energy from the sun?

not really cause plants grown from the sun and water but mostly the sun and the sun helps the plants grown so then the plants give energy to animals so the animals will live so no organisms can not survive without energy from the sun

Why is the sun so interesting?

the sun is inrresting cause it helps you to see and it is important cause without the sun we do not have no light and the plants would die and trees would die to and the trees have oxegan and we need oxegan so we could die

What is the most important source of energy for animals and plants?

The sun

Why is the sun important to science?

because its important to growing plants and keeping anmials alive

Does sun affect the growth of plants?

Yes because leaves of a plant need it to make food, chlorophyll to give color, and plants need it to grow. Everything that make plants grow is important. if one thing of them is not given, they may lose leaves and can also die.

Why is sun important to both producers and consumers?

The sun is important to producers (plants) because it provides the energy needed for photosynthesis to produce food. Consumers rely on plants as a food source, so the sun indirectly provides energy for consumers through the food chain. This process sustains the ecosystem and all living organisms within it.

Is Heat or light is more important to earth?

Both heat and light are important to Earth. Heat from the sun helps maintain Earth's temperature and supports life, while light provides energy for photosynthesis in plants, which is vital for the overall functioning of ecosystems.

Why is sunlight so important to ecosystems?

Most ecosystems have plants. Plants use the sun to create food and start the food chain. Without the sun, there would be no plants, thus no herbivores to eat the plants, thus no carnivores to eat the herbivores, so on and so on.

Why is the sun important for the gulf coast?

The sun starts photosynthesis in plants. This gives the plants sugar for food and it gives off oxygen. Then a first order(herbivore) consumer eats the plant. A secondary consumer eats the first order consumer, and so on.

Is the sun more important than the moon?

So makes asks you that question say the sunIt looks like the sun and the moon is more important because they are, but the sun is more important than the moon because it helps the plants to grow how because it gives sunlight. The moon only makes tides on the ocean

Is the moon more important than the sun?

So makes asks you that question say the sunIt looks like the sun and the moon is more important because they are, but the sun is more important than the moon because it helps the plants to grow how because it gives sunlight. The moon only makes tides on the ocean