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Television is important to us. It spreads awareness.

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Q: Why is the television so important to US?
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Why are television so important?

i do not have a tv and i do NOT think that its important

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a television is not important but.....its for people and they use it for entertainment and for money but for me......nah its so expensive i buy and original television.....................................................................i hope you like my answer,,,thank you :D

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its so important because she is an inspirational artists and she is a honor to all the people with need of charity who know Alicia keys. Also she is so important (because she is part of bet (black entertainment tv). Also she is black and part of black history month like the rest of us, she is a famous african american.

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its not all that important to life is food,water,shelter,and oxegen

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because it keeps us warm and gives us electricity without it we wouldn't be able to watch tv oh no what would wedo with out it?

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it's important for us to remember stuff because if we didnt remember things we would probrably all die( Forgeting to cut off tv and forgetting to cut water off)

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It is important to us cause it gives us food

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Why is television important?

The reason television is important is because people need to do something besides sports and not be bored.Television is also important because things pop up that are important and educational for adults and children and things that aren't important and just fun to watch.