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because the ocean has salt in it rather than freshwater lake Because fresh water on the surface of a lake is frozen. Under similar conditions, salt water is not frozen.

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Q: Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature needed to freeze the surface of a freshwater lake?
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Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temeperature needed to freeze the surface of a freshwater lake?

cos it contains salt :)

Why is the temperature needed to freeze the ocean water lower than the temperature needed to freeze the surface of a freshwater lake?

Dissolved salts in water contribute to a decrease of the freezing point.

Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature need to freeze the surface of a freshwater lake?

because the ocean has salt in it rather than freshwater lake Because fresh water on the surface of a lake is frozen. Under similar conditions, salt water is not frozen.

Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature needed to freeze the surface of a fresh lake?

The ocean is larger than a lake. Therefore, being larger it can absorb more heat. That is why a lower temperature is needed to freeze it.

Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature needed to freeze a surface of a fresh water lake?

The ocean is larger than a lake. Therefore, being larger it can absorb more heat. That is why a lower temperature is needed to freeze it.

Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature to freeze the surface of a fresh water lake?

The ocean is larger than a lake. Therefore, being larger it can absorb more heat. That is why a lower temperature is needed to freeze it.

Why is the temperature to freeze the surface of ocean water lower than the temperature needed to freeze the surface of water like Lake Superior?

The ocean water has a high amount of dissolved salts.

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Three things needed in a fresh water habitat are precipitation, temperature, and oxygen.

What does it take for water to freeze?

For ultrapure water a temperature of 0 oC is needed.

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What is the amount of water that cover the earth?

About 70% of the Earth surface is covered with water, and most of that is the ocean. Only a small portion of the Earth's water is freshwater, which is found in lakes, rivers and groundwater. Freshwater is needed for drinking, farming, and washing.

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