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So it can flick the tongue out long to catch prey

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Q: Why is a frog's tongue anchored in the very front?
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Why does a fly stick to a frogs tongue?

Because the saliva on the tongue is very sticky.

How does a frogs tongue adapt to their life?

Its muscles cause it to curl up into his mouth. The tongue sits at the front of the mouth, rolled up, when not in use. Point worth noting: Not all frogs have long tongues. Ground frogs that eat ants etc. that are close to them do not.

How the attachment of the frog's tongue helps it to catch prey?

the frog's tongue is attached at the front unlike us humans. hence it can flick its tongue to catch insects.The tongues root is the "radix"It has a lot of the same characteristics as most mammals tongues other than maybe the elasticity.The link below gives detail of the different parts of the tongue.the front of its mouthIt's attached to the front of the mouth, so that it can whip out and grab prey at a bigger distance.At the front of the mouth.

The very front of your tongue dectects what taste?


What body parts does a frog use to get its food?

Frogs use their tongue, as it is very stretchy and sticky.It shoots out, at immense speed, and grabs it's prey, with the sticky end of the tongue. It then swallows the animal whole.Read more: What_body_parts_frog_use_in_getting_food

Where is the sour taste buds location on the tongue?

At the very start of the tongue or rather the taste buds that are directly opposite to the opening of the mouth.

How does frog capture their food and eat it?

They will either actively hunt or lay in ambush for their prey. Once prey is sighted, they will use their sticky tongue attached to the front of the mouth to catch their prey.Frogs and toads use their tongue to catch insects, but somespecies prefer to hide and wait for an unsuspecting prey and then pounce. Frogs and toads use their tongue to catch insects, but somespecies prefer to hide and wait for an unsuspecting prey and then pounce.Frogs have a long sticky tongue that shoots at the sight of food which include various flying insects a frog sits and waits for its pry and when it comes close enough he extends its sticky tongue and all the incects get stuck to it.they get their food by using its tongue and eat mosquitoesFrogs detect their prey visually, sinse they can not smell or hear very well.

What frogs do?

that eat flys bugs

What do little brown tree frogs eat in TX?

So what do frogs eat? If you intend keeping frogs as pets then it is absolutely vital to know them well. Just like us, amphibians need a healthy diet - one that is nutritious and well-balanced. It is also very important that the right size of food and amount of food is given to your frog at the right time. When a frog is in the water, it is highly sensitive to movement around it, and this movement stimulates feeding. Therefore it is better that the prey offered to the frog (and other amphibians) is live. The terrestrial amphibian's tongue is sticky and is located at the front of it's mouth, and so it is able to shoot it's tongue out quickly to catch it's prey on the sticky tongue. Tree frogs and other amphibians stalk their prey and actively seek it. Other frogs will use their camouflage skills and lay in wait undetected until their unsuspecting prey passes their way and then strike!

What do frogs use as skin?

Frogs obviousl have skin. its just very very warty and bumpy :)

Why is the frog tongue sticky?

The sticky tongue of a frog helps it catch the small insects upon which it feeds.To catch food eg insects and bugsFrogs are unique and interesting creatures. They have a long sticky tongue, that is used and needed for catching and digesting its food.

Are there any taste buds in the middle of your tongue?

Bitter taste buds are found at the back of the tongue. Sweet/salty taste buds are in the front of the tongue, sour taste buds are on both sides whereas the middle of the tongue has very few taste buds at all.